Overview / Middle ear / Inner ear

Main references


a1. BAST TH, ANSON BJ (1949) The Temporal Bone and the Ear. Springfield (Illinois): CC Thomas.
a2. SHAW EAG (1974) The external ear. In: Handbook of Sensory Physiology (Keidel WD, Neff WD, eds) Berlin, Heidelberg, New-York: Springer Verlag.
a3. LEIPP E. La machine à écouter (1977). Masson, Paris

Middle ear

b1. MANLEY GA, JOHNSTONE BM (1974) Middle ear function in the guinea pig. J Acoust Soc Am 56:571-576.
b2. MöLLER AR (1974) Function of the middle ear. In: Handbook of Sensory Physiology (Keidel WD, Neff WD, eds) Berlin, Heidelberg, New-York: Springer Verlag.
b3. NUTTAL AL (1974) Measurements of the guinea pig middle ear transfer characteristic. J Acoust Soc Am 56:1231-1238.
b4. ZWISLOCKI JJ (1975) The role of external and middle ear in sound transmission. In: The nervous system (Tower DB ed), v.3, Raven Press,NY.
b5. DANCER A (1988) Biomécanique de l'Audition. in: "Physiologie de la cochlée" ARAN, DANCER, DOLMAZON, PUJOL et TRAN BA HUY eds, INSERM/SFA

Inner ear

c1. CORTI A (1851) Recherches sur l'organe de Corti de l'ouie des mammifères. Z wiss Zool 3: 1-106.
c2. HELMHOLTZ H (1863) Die Lehre von der Tonempfindungen als physiologische Grundlage für die Theorie der Musik. (1st ed) Brunswick, Germany: Vieweg-Verlag.
c3. BEKESY G von (1960) Experiments in hearing. New-York: Mc Graw Hill.
c4. DALLOS P (1973) The auditory periphery. Ac. Press, NY.


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