 Overview / Physic / Fluids / Stria

Main references

Cochlea overview

a1. CORTI A (1851) Recherches sur l'organe de Corti de l'ouïe des mammifères. Z wiss Zool 3: 1-106.
a2. DALLOS, P., POPPER, A.N., FAY, R.R. The cochlea. Springer Handbook of Auditory Research Vol. 8, 1996, Springer Verlag, New York.
a3. NETTER FH (1986) Nervous system, part I: anatomy and physiology. Ciba collection of medical illustration. Ciba, West Caldwell, NJ.
a4. ARAN, DANCER, DOLMAZON, PUJOL et TRAN BA HUY (1988) Physiologie de la cochlée. INSERM/SFA, Paris.
a5. PUJOL R (1989) Anatomie et Physiologie de la cochlée. Arch Int Physiol Biochim 97-4, A51-A78.

Cochlea physics

b1. HELMHOLTZ H (1863) Die Lehre von der Tonempfindungen als physiologische Grundlage für die Theorie der Musik. (1st ed) Brunswick, Germany: Vieweg-Verlag.
b2. BEKESY G von (1960) Experiments in hearing. New-York: Mc Graw Hill.
b3. DANCER A, FRANKE R (1987) Mécanique cochléaire : onde propagée ou résonance ? Revue d'Acoustique, 81:3-9.
b4. DANCER A (1988) Biomécanique de l'Audition. in: "Physiologie de la cochlée" ARAN, DANCER, DOLMAZON, PUJOL et TRAN BA HUY eds, INSERM/SFA

Fluids and stria

c1. JOHNSTONE BM and SELLICK PM (1972) The peripheral auditory apparatus. Quart. Rev. Biophys. 5: 1-57.
c2. KONISHI T, HAMRICK PE and WALSH JP (1978) Ion transport in the guinea-pig cochlea. Acta otolaryng., 86: 22-34 and 176-184
c3. Offner FF, Dallos P, Cheatham MA, (1987) Positive endocochlear potential: mechanism of production by marginal cells of stria vascularis. Hear Res 1987;29(2-3):117-24
c4. STERKERS O, FERRARY E, TRAN BA HUY P (1990) Production des liquides de l'oreille interne. Médecine/Sciences 6: 755-761.


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